Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turkmas in Chicago!

Our annual tradition of celebrating Turkmas (Turkey Day and X-mas), or as some others like to call it Thanksmas (Thanksgiving and X-mas), with Paul’s family was a little different this year. Instead of congregating in Iowa at Paul’s dad’s house we all rented a cabin in White Pines State Park about an hour outside Chicago. It was a very cozy Turkmas, with Paul and myself, his Dad and stepmom, his two brothers and their wives, plus new baby, all piled into the snug cabin, complete with Wii Fit and Mario Cart.

It was very nice to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner with his extended family living in the Chicago area. We got to spend time with his grandpa, aunts, uncles and cousins that we don’t normally get to see very often. Since his cousins wedding was also the Saturday after Thanksgiving we got to see them twice even!

While it was quite cold outside, the inside of the little cabin was toasty warm and full of fun stuff to do – oogling over Kailey, baking cookies, playing with Kailey, setting new records on the Wii, and did I mention playing with the baby?

Here are a couple pics from our Turkmas celebration!

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