Sunday, July 10, 2016

When little girls take over a nail salon!

Our good friends, the Jeds, returned to South Africa for a quick visit last month. Piper was very excited to see her buddy Alia again. To celebrate their visit and Alia's 4th birthday, a troupe of little girls took over a nail salon. The pictures below will give you an idea of the high levels of cute that were on display that day! 

Piper talking to the nail specialist

Alia and Beatrice

Miss Elsbeth

Nails and cupcakes! Happy girl!

Sophia / Big Brother Max getting the wand supplies ready for the little girls


How ridiculously cute is this?!

It was so fun to have all these little ladies together!

1 comment:

Marie said...

OMG staaaaaaaaph they are so cute!!