Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Greensides Take on South Africa - Pilanesberg Safari

Another big adventure with the Greensides Family in South Africa from March - Scott and Rachael's first African safari! We stayed at Black Rhino lodge in Pilanesberg. 

Black Rhino Lodge is a private concession on the northwestern side of the park. It was really impressive how many animals were hanging out over in that area. After nearly four years of drought we finally had a good rainy season, but even though the grass was very high and the trees were very bushy we still managed to see so many awesome animals!

 First safari sundowner

As is common at many game lodges the kids can not go on the main game drives in the morning or evening, but the guides take them on a short, nearby "bumble" drive around the camp. Piper and Owen were super excited to see all the elephants!

 Team Dion! Our awesome guide. 

A lot of time was also spent enjoying the pool and the facilities at the lodge!

 Rach has an adorable little hat!

Scott's video of Black Rhino:

Follow along the other posts - The Greensides Take On South Africa:

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