Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lightroom 3, Animated GIFs and HD Video. Oh My!

I just got Adobe Lightroom 3! Whoo hoo! So far, so good. I'm already loving the new noise control, the syncing of initial processing settings, and the interface between Lightroom and Photoshop and Lightroom and Smugmug.

Sorting through the hundreds of photo's I took while my brother was visiting last week is taking me longer than normal since I'm trying to learn the in's and out's of Lightroom at the same time, but I can already see how this program is extremely powerful and should speed up my workflow as soon as I get a little more comfortable with it.

As I weave my way through both my pictures and the program, I get easily distracted (for anyone that knows me, that will not be a surprise).

So last week, in my endeavor to turn my brother into a climber we took him up to Carderock for his first outdoor climbing. With my new handy dandy tripod I set up my camera and took a series of shots of Paul climbing. Here are the 33 shots turned into an Animated GIF!

And more distractions, I spent over an hour in iMovie working on a video I took of my brother climbing (I remembered, for once, that my 7D has video), and as I was trying to figure out how to export it to a size that was actually usable, it crashed. And of course, upon reopening, the video is gone. Grumble.

On the bright side, I did manage to get a small, low quality copy of the video onto my desktop before the crash. Here is a video of my brother climbing. This is his first time climbing outdoors, and he's only climbed in the gym twice. He's a natural!

There's a little bit of No Doubt to go along with the climbing! Note: Don't make the video go full screen, it is crappy quality!

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