Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Piper's 3rd and 4th weeks!

My little girl is getting bigger and bigger every day! We've had a lot of visitors these past couple of weeks, both sides of the Pleva grandparents have visited and have gotten to see and get to know their new granddaughter. The only grandparent left for her to meet is her Papa (my dad) which will happen on Dec 16th when we head to CA for the holidays!

Here are some pictures from her 3rd and 4th week! If you want to see more pictures of Miss Piper please visit my Smugmug site HERE.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving with our friends Mikael and Kate and their kids Isaac and Eden. There was enough food to feed an army of new moms! 

Enjoying a little bit of tummy time!

Grandpa Pleva and Grandma Ruby's Visit

What? Who? Me?

Grandma Pleva Visit

It's almost Christmas Time!!!

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